El Escorial and Valley of the Fallen skip-the-line tour from Madrid
Depart Madrid by a comfortable, air-conditioned bus and journey to the historical residence of the Kings of Spain at the monumental El Escorial. Learn the history of the Spanish royals at the magnificent palace, designed by King Philip II after the victory of the Battle of San Quentin.
Hear why it took 21 years to build, how its location at the foot of the Sierra Guadarrama mountain range was inspired by the biblical Solomon's Temple and how it also functioned as a monastery under the Order of Saint Jerome. See the amazing Basílica de la Santa Cruz del Valle de Los Caídos and the world's tallest memorial cross, built in the Cuelgamuros Valley as a "national act of atonement".
Stroll in the Gardens of the Friars and nearby park. Admire the Italian-style gardens arranged in descending terraces at the House of Prince Don Carlos, where you will also get one of the most beautiful views of the monastery.